The Korea Times English Edition
The Korea Times is one of a handful of Korean-language and English-language platforms that provides Korean, American, and local news in several cities, including Los Angeles. In the days and years after Sa I Gu, K.W. Lee, then editor of The Korea Times English Edition (KTEE), and his team provided powerful and important narratives that were rarely covered in mass media. The articles shared here built a bridge between a heavily immigrant and non-English speaking community and the younger Korean American generation, as well as non-Korean communities. Their reporting and opinion pieces captured how Sa I Gu was experienced by the Korean American community in Los Angeles, as well as how the community changed as a result.
These selected articles provides coverage of Sa I Gu from The Korea Times English Edition by key topics.

Korean Businesses
Associated Press, “Grand jury indicts Soon Ja Du,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-05-08, 1.
AP Photo, KT Photo, “Under siege,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-04, 2.
AP Photo; Kim, Dexter H.; KT Photo; Sunoo, Jan, “4 days under seige,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 4, 5.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Death of a black teen-ager: Blacks and Koreans join hands to heal wounds,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Grocer’s shooting held ‘justifiable’: Merchant fires five fatal shots in self-defense, say police,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-16, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “City panel to review black-KA tension,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-23, 1.
Fruto Reyes, Richard, “Farrell blasts boycott, firebombing,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-30, 1.
Fruto Reyes, Richard, “Open season on merchants: Armed thugs target Korean stores,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-07-14, 1.
Fruto Reyes, Richard, “DA calls Mitchell case ‘clearly justifiable homicide’: Urging Koreans, blacks to fight crime, not each other,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-07-14, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Boycott: Mayor Bradley urged to intervene,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-07-28, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Mayor condemns Korean store arson,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-08-18, 1, 7.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Hate crime: DA attacks store boycott,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-08-25, 1, 7.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Boycott continues: Mayor, police fail to sway organizers,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-09-08, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Angry blacks say mayor siding with Koreans,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-09-15, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Sellout or Compromise?: All’s quiet on the boycott for now,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-16, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Son’s cry before Du’s conviction: ‘My mother is a scapegoat’,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-21, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Soon Ja Du sentencing: Outcry over no jail term,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-11-25, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “1 killed, 50 injured and 250 stores looted: Cry Koreatown: List of damaged businesses increase daily,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-04, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “KA fataility during four-day riot: Community mourns for Edward Lee,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Du faces up to 16 years in prison,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-21, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Fifth grocery store firebombed in 6 months in South Central,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-12-09, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “FBI: KAs singled out during riots: Gangs most likely arson suspects,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “1,867 KA store owners suffer heaviest toll,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Merchants’ shattered dreams,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 2.
Lee, K.W., “To live and die in America– the urban trenches,” Korea Times English Edition, 1990-12-26, 7.
Lee, K.W., “An American Passage: Latasha becomes part of our collective conscience,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-11-25, 1.
Lee, K.W., “Never again,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
“Statement of Korean American community leaders on the death of Latasha Harlins,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 7.
Yu, Eul Young, “We saw our dreams burned for no reason,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 6.

Latasha Harlins and Soon Ja Du
Associated Press, “Grand jury indicts Soon Ja Du,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-05-08, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Death of a black teen-ager: Blacks and Koreans join hands to heal wounds,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Soul-to-Seoul healing: Biggest black-KA meeting in L.A. history held in Watts,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-04-17, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Son’s cry before Du’s conviction: ‘My mother is a scapegoat’,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-21, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Soon Ja Du sentencing: Outcry over no jail term,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-11-25, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Du faces up to 16 years in prison,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-21, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Fifth grocery store firebombed in 6 months in South Central,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-12-09, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Mass media, agitators fan violence against KA merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-04-03, 1.
Lee, K.W., “Learn, Baby, Learn: Lessons from Latasha Harlin’s tragedy,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 7.
Lee, K.W., “An American Passage: Latasha becomes part of our collective conscience,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-11-25, 1.
“Statement of Korean American community leaders on the death of Latasha Harlins,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 7.

Black-Korean Relations
Chang, Edward, “KAs must forge multiethnic coalitions,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 6.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Black-Korean Alliance rates media coverage: LA Times accused of pitting one race against another,” Korea Times English Edition, 1990-11-28, 1, 15.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Death of a black teen-ager: Blacks and Koreans join hands to heal wounds,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Soul-to-Seoul healing: Biggest black-KA meeting in L.A. history held in Watts,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-04-17, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “BKA drafts code of ethics: Blacks, Koreans step up support programs for neighborhoods,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-05-23, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Black-Korean Alliance may chart new mission,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-15, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung and Hwangbo, Kim, “Flatbush impact nationwide: KAGRO convention focuses on Korean/black relations,” Korea Times English Edition, 1990-10-17, 1, 14.
Lee, K.W., “Fire next time?: Edward Chang reflects on the black-Korean Conflict,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-02, 6.
Lee, K.W., “Fire next time?: Failure of selfish Korean elite,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-09, 6.
“Statement of African American and Korean American community leaders,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 1.

South Central Korean Store Boycotts sparked by Mitchell case
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Grocer’s shooting held ‘justifiable’: Merchant fires five fatal shots in self-defense, say police,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-16, 1.
Fruto Reyes, Richard, “Farrell blasts boycott, firebombing,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-06-30, 1.
Fruto Reyes, Richard, “DA calls Mitchell case ‘clearly justifiable homicide’: Urging Koreans, blacks to fight crime, not each other,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-07-14, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Boycott: Mayor Bradley urged to intervene,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-07-28, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Mayor condemns Korean store arson,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-08-18, 1, 7.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Hate crime: DA attacks store boycott,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-08-25, 1, 7.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Boycott continues: Mayor, police fail to sway organizers,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-09-08, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Angry blacks say mayor siding with Koreans,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-09-15, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Sellout or Compromise?: All’s quiet on the boycott for now,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-10-16, 1.

L.A. Civil Unrest
An, Cheryl, “Thousands join hands across L.A.,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-22, 1.
AP Photo, KT Photo, “Under siege,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-04, 2.
AP Photo; Kim, Dexter H.; KT Photo; Sunoo, Jan, “4 days under seige,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 4, 5.
Chang, Edward, “KAs must forge multiethnic coalitions,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 6.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “1 killed, 50 injured and 250 stores looted: Cry Koreatown: List of damaged businesses increase daily,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-04, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “KA fataility during four-day riot: Community mourns for Edward Lee,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Troop-pullout worries KAs: Accidental shooting found in death of Hannam guard,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Mistaken identity cause in Edward Lee Death,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes and Chung, Gloria, “Bradley and Holden pledge support for KA merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “FBI: KAs singled out during riots: Gangs most likely arson suspects,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Relief checks on the way for KA riot victims: Donations total $2.5 million,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Korean American leaders address rights panel,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Getting to the root of Korean-Black tensions: Cal State LA holds symposium on race relations,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-01, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Relief groups merge,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-22, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Riot victims continue City Hall demonstrations: Protesters hurt by latest attack,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “1,867 KA store owners suffer heaviest toll,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “Gun sales shoot up after riots: Merchants at shooting ranges increase by 30 percent,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-26, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “First SBA checks issued to KAs: Approval rating predicted at 75 percent,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-15, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “First KA receives CRA emergency grant,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Merchants’ shattered dreams,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 2.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO launches relief for embattled merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-26, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO leaders meet Bloods, Crips: Merchants and gang members explore cooperative efforts,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-01, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KA victims seeking professional help: Post-riot depression,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-08, 4.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO reaches four-point agreement with Bloods, Crips,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-08, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “From a reporter’s point of view: The ethnic media’s role in the L.A. riots,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-08-10, 6.
Kim, Sophia Kyung and Park, Davis, “Women fight City Hall,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-20, 1.
Lee, K.W., “Never again,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Paik Sunoo, Brenda, “Out of ashes, solidarity: 30,000 KAs march for peace through K-town,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Yu, Eul Young, “We saw our dreams burned for no reason,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 6.

Post-Unrest Rebuilding Process and Consequences
An, Cheryl, “Thousands join hands across L.A.,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-22, 1.
Cho, Mindy, “Riot victims still suffering one year after the riots: Only three out of 10 businesses have reopened,” Korea Times English Edition, 1993-03-17, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Troop-pullout worries KAs: Accidental shooting found in death of Hannam guard,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Mistaken identity cause in Edward Lee Death,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Black-Korean Alliance may chart new mission,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-15, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes and Chung, Gloria, “Bradley and Holden pledge support for KA merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Police panel hears K-town gripes on riot response,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-09-21, 1.
Fruto, Richard, “Koreatown hit hard in ’92: Recession and riots double whammy for community businesses,” Korea Times English Edition, 1993-01-13, 3.
Fruto, Richard, “The burning and rekindling of the American Dream,” Korea Times English Edition, 1993-01-06, 8.
Hwangbo, Kay, “FBI: KAs singled out during riots: Gangs most likely arson suspects,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Relief checks on the way for KA riot victims: Donations total $2.5 million,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Korean American leaders address rights panel,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-18, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Getting to the root of Korean-Black tensions: Cal State LA holds symposium on race relations,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-01, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Relief groups merge,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-22, 1.
Hwangbo, Kay, “Riot victims continue City Hall demonstrations: Protesters hurt by latest attack,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “1,867 KA store owners suffer heaviest toll,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “Gun sales shoot up after riots: Merchants at shooting ranges increase by 30 percent,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-26, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “First SBA checks issued to KAs: Approval rating predicted at 75 percent,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-15, 1.
Kim, Dexter H., “First KA receives CRA emergency grant,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-13, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Merchants’ shattered dreams,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 2.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO launches relief for embattled merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-26, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO leaders meet Bloods, Crips: Merchants and gang members explore cooperative efforts,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-01, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KA victims seeking professional help: Post-riot depression,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-08, 4.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “KAGRO reaches four-point agreement with Bloods, Crips,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-06-08, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “From a reporter’s point of view: The ethnic media’s role in the L.A. riots,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-08-10, 6.
Kim, Sophia Kyung and Park, Davis, “Women fight City Hall,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-07-20, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “BKA Ends six years in urban trenches: Black-Korean Alliance dissolves; former members say needs outstripped group’s limited resources,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-12-09, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Survey shows riot victims in dire straights: Federal aid running out; most businesses still have not been rebuilt,” Korea Times English Edition, 1993-01-06, 1.
Lee, K.W., “Never again,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Lee, K.W., “Awards speech calls for mutual survival: Resurrection of the City of Angels,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-10-13, 6.
Paik Sunoo, Brenda, “Out of ashes, solidarity: 30,000 KAs march for peace through K-town,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 1.
Yu, Eul Young, “We saw our dreams burned for no reason,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-05-11, 6.

Role of Media
Fruto, Richard Reyes, “Media under fire: For escalating ethnic tension,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-11-18, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Black-Korean Alliance rates media coverage: LA Times accused of pitting one race against another,” Korea Times English Edition, 1990-11-28, 1, 15.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “Mass media, agitators fan violence against KA merchants,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-04-03, 1.
Kim, Sophia Kyung, “From a reporter’s point of view: The ethnic media’s role in the L.A. riots,” Korea Times English Edition, 1992-08-10, 6.
“Statement of African American and Korean American community leaders,” Korea Times English Edition, 1991-03-27, 1.