Amerasia Journal
Reflections on the L.A. Civil Unrest: Thirty Years after 4/29/1992
by Arnold Pan, Ph.D. (Editor, UCLA Asian American Studies Center)
To reflect on the impact that the L.A. Civil Unrest has had over the past 30 years, Amerasia Journal has collected a set of writings we have published on the event and its aftermath. Through the past three decades, a wide range of prominent public intellectuals, journalists, legal experts, and scholars of different backgrounds and interests have shared their impressions and research on how the civil unrest has shaped the social and cultural landscape of Los Angeles, as well as the way race is understood far beyond city limits. While many of the entries in this collection explore Korean American perspectives of what they commonly call Sa-I-Gu—which literally translates as 4/29, the date when unrest began—Amerasia Journal has also provided a forum to elaborate on the experiences of Black and Latino communities in the city.
This collection is sponsored by the UCLA Asian American Studies Center (AASC), the institutional home of Amerasia Journal since 1971. It was released in conjunction with this website and a future book on the subject.

Los Angeles Since 1992: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Uprisings
Hunt, Darnell, “American Toxicity: Twenty Years After the 1992 Los Angeles “Riots”,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): ix-xviii.
Carbado, Devon, Cheryl I. Harris, Jerry Kang, and Saúl Sarabia, “Critical Reflections on 4/29/1992 and Beyond (A UCLA School of Law Roundtable),” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 1-28.
Higa, Ben, “Smoke and Mirror: Reflection of an Urban Journalist,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 52-60.
Lee, K.W., “The Fire Next Time?: Ten Haunting Questions Cry Out for Answers and Redress,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 84-90.
Viesca, Victor Hugo , “Native Guns and Stray Bullets: Cultural Activism and Filipino American Rap Music in Post-Riot Los Angeles,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 112-142.
Park, Kyeyoung, “An Analysis of Latino-Korean Relations in the Workplace: Latino Perspectives in the Aftermath of the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 143-169.
deGuzman, Jean-Paul R., “The Twenty-Year Tale of Interpreting a Multiethnic Urban Uprising: Towards an Historiography of Sa-I-Gu,” Amerasia Journal 38, no. 1 (2012): 175-192.

Los Angeles – Struggles Toward Multiethnic Community
Chang, Jeff, “Race, Class, Conflict and Empowerment: On Ice Cube’s “Black Korea”,” Amerasia Journal 19, no. 2 (1993): 87-108.
Aubry, Larry, “Black-Korean American Relations: An Insider’s Viewpoint,” Amerasia Journal 19, no. 2 (1993): 147-156.
Oh, Angela, “Rebuilding Los Angeles “One Year Later or Why I Did Not Join RLA”,” Amerasia Journal 19, no. 2 (1993): 157-160.
Uyematsu, Amy, “This Shame Called Joy,” Amerasia Journal 19, no. 2 (1993): 165-166.

What Does It Mean To Be Korean Today? Part II. Community in the 21st Century
Kim, Elaine with Min Hyoung Song, “Sa-I-Gu Revisited: Interview with Elaine Kim,” Amerasia Journal 30, no. 1 (2004): 229-242.
Chang, Edward Taehan , ““As Los Angeles Burned, Korean America was Born” Community in the Twenty-first Century,” Amerasia Journal 30, no. 1 (2004): vi-x.