Never Forget
Filipinx Americans and the Philippines Anti-Martial Law Movement
Never Forget > Poster
Cagayan: Lupa Hindi Bomba!
![Poster title - Cagayan Lupa Hindi Bomba](
The poster reads, “Cagayan: Land not Bombs. When we want to live, why is violence wrought upon us? Fight for human rights! Oppose the militarization of Cagayan!” Cagayan sits on the northern tip of Luzon and has been the site of the Philippine government’s counterinsurgency campaign against the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army. Fighting intensified during the administration of the first-post Marcos president, Corazon Aquino.
Poster Information:
Organization: Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocate; Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace; Cagayan Valley – Human Rights Organization
Place printed/issued: Philippines
Contributors: Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates | Ecunemical Movement for Justice and Peace | Cagayan Valley Human Rights Organization
Coverage: 1986
Language: Filipino